August 17 – August 23, 2020
Within Myanmar:
• Four more Rohingya men seeking to run in Myanmar’s upcoming general elections have been disqualified over questions about their parents’ citizenship.
Camp conditions:
• IOM has inaugurated a new 120-bed Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Isolation and Treatment Facility (SARI ITC) in Cox’s Bazar.
• It is reported that the RRRC wants sole responsibility to administer the NGOs working in the Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar and that RRRC Mahbub Alam Talukder wrote to the NGO Affairs Bureau in June seeking that control.
High-level statements:
• Three years on from the latest exodus of Rohingya refugees who fled Myanmar and sought sanctuary in Bangladesh, UNHCR is calling for renewed support and solutions for displaced and stateless Rohingya communities both within and outside of Myanmar.
• Bangladesh has issued multiple statements this week requesting support for the early repatriation of the Rohingya to Myanmar.
• At a virtual seminar marking World Humanitarian Day, a network of 50 local NGOs, the Cox’s Bazar CSO NGO Forum (CCNF), insisted the government strengthen its efforts to repatriate Rohingyas.
RSN follows the plight of the Rohingya community, an ethnic minority driven from their home country of Myanmar to a number of countries, most principally Bangladesh. RSN compiles a weekly developments tracker (or “digest report”), focusing primarily on news coming out of Bangladesh, but including regional and international perspectives. Highlights of each week are featured here and linked in more detail in the full digest report. If you would like to receive these digest reports directly to your inbox, please email [email protected].