RSN facilitates Turkey-Mexico experience-sharing

In Oct 2019, RSN facilitated a study visit for members of Turkish partner RRT to Mexico, to meet with and share experiences with members of Mexican civil society and Mexican public officials. Themes explored included methods to expand legal assistance for refugees and migrants, including pro bono partnerships between NGOs and private law firms, as well as advocacy to increase protection for refugees in the face of regional agreements that are effectively externalizing asylum responsibilities. The study visit was co-organized with Mexican NGO Sin Fronteras IAP, who was particularly interested in the Turkish experience in the wake of the EU-Turkey Deal and designations by some EU courts of Turkey as a Safe Third Country of asylum. RSN and RRT have long recognized several parallels between Mexico and Turkey and the role each plays in their respective regions, particularly on migration. The study visit is an example of RSN’s commitment to enabling South-South dialogue through Triangular cooperation.