RSN & RRT host a webinar on access to information and legal protection in refugee host countries

On July 1, RSN jointly organized an online webinar on refugees’ access to information and legal protection in the MENAT region with our long-standing partner, Refugee Rights Turkey. Aside from RRT and RSN presentations on the topic, the event featured speakers from the Afghan Refugees Solidarity Association (ARSA), Signpost, Aman Project, and Ruwad Al Houkouk.
While the webinar was held in English, simultaneous translations in Turkish and Arabic were made available for Turkish- and Arabic-speaking audiences. Participants explored ways in which initiatives designed to improve refugees’ access to information about rights, entitlements, and obligations play a role in helping secure legal protection for refugees in Turkey, Lebanon, and Iraq.
It offered participants the opportunity to share and reflect on best practices and emerging challenges in refugee legal empowerment across the region while identifying potential areas of future collaboration to strengthen efforts to promote the legal empowerment of refugees.